Dear Patuxent Valley Families and Community,
Pride Month began this week! Thank you to our Lavender Leaders student group for the messages on the morning announcements and all the ways you are leading us to celebrate the contributions of LGBTQTIA+ people to our community. I encourage each of us to consider the ways we can show up to support our students, staff and community. Check out information on the HCPSS page for more information on how we can show up to support LGBTQIA+ youth in HCPSS:
Activities for our 8th graders continue at pace. This week on Tuesday students visited Hammond, Guilford Park and Reservoir High Schools to see their schools for next year, we had our Zoo trip yesterday, tonight we have our PTA sponsored 8th grade Dance and on Tuesday we have our Promotion Ceremony at Guilford Park High at 6pm. We will continue to celebrate our 8th graders for the contributions they have made. Thank you to so many PTSA parents who have chaperoned these events and to the 8th grade team for their endeavors on behalf of our students. Make sure you keep checking the link tree if you have an 8th grader.
On Tuesday our students will be doing their locker clean out and at the end of the week we’ll be donating our lost and found collection. We’d encourage you to take time to talk with your students about cleaning up their spaces, returning materials, and picking up any of their items they have left at school this semester!
Check out the information below for items we’ve been sending out this week, and a number of new items. Let us know if you have any questions or if there is something you’d like to see in the newsletter. All of this information is also posted on our website at .
There is nothing too big or too small for us to work on together, so don’t hesitate to reach out.
Richard Smart, Principal (
6/7 - 8th grade dance
6/11 - 8th Grade Promotion from 6-8 at GPHS
6/12-14 - 3 Hour Early Dismissal
8/22 - New Student Orientation
9/5 - Back to School Night
Message from the Health Room:
To the parents of students with medications in the health room- Medication remaining at the end of the school year should be picked up by the parent/guardian by 12pm on June 14th.
Any medication not picked up will be destroyed.
Immunizations for Upcoming 7th Graders
Current 6th grade parents- Please email your students updated immunizations records to the Health Room if you have been contacted by the health room about your student missing required 7th grade immunizations.
Howard County School-Based Wellness Centers are offering free health visits this summer for children without health insurance.
Families with medical coverage should visit their primary healthcare provider. You must make an appointment; no walk-ins.
Email or Call 410-313-6362 to schedule a summer appointment if needed.
Last Call for Lost and Found
There are so many lunch boxes, water bottles, and clothing items in the lost and found. Please encourage your student to stop by to retrieve lost items. Parents are welcome to visit and look through the collection as well! All items will be donated at the end of the school year.
Information on 8th Grade Activities
This is such a busy time of year for 8th graders and there are so many details to keep track of.
I can’t believe we are already engaging in our end of year activities with them, I have so many dreams for them as they end middle school and think about beginning the High School Journey. Check out the latest information that was share with our 8th grade students at lunch today through these slides.
To help answer any questions and organize everything our students (and families!) need in one place, I’ve put together a class link tree:
From the PTA: A reminder that the 8th grade dance will be held on Friday, June 7, at 6 p.m. This year's theme is “A Starry Night Masquerade Ball.” Our 8th graders are excited to spend these last few moments celebrating before they say farewell to PVMS. Parents/guardians please register your student as soon as possible, and no later than June 1.
The student permission slip for 8th grade parents/guardians is HERE.
Your help is requested!
This is a PTA/parent-sponsored dance, and we need many hands to make the dance a safe and enjoyable event. Please consider signing up to help volunteer and/or donate items.
· Volunteers can sign up here:
· Donations are requested – please sign up here:
Hammond Booster Camps
Hammond Boosters is offering one week camps for incoming 5th-9th graders for multiple activities: Note: All camps will be held at Hammond High school this year.
Band -- June 17-21, no camp on the 19th (9am-12pm) *
Tennis--June 17-22, no camp on the 19th (9am-12pm) **
Baseball--June 17-22, no camp on the 19th (9am-12pm) **
Girls Soccer--June 17-22, no camp on the 19th (9am-12pm) **
Track (week 1)--June 24-28 (8am-11am)
Track (week 2)--July 15-19(8am-11am)
Boys Soccer--June 24-28 (9am-12pm)
Field Hockey--June 24-28 (1:30pm-4:30pm)
Wrestling--July 8-12 (9am-12pm)
Cheer--July 8-12 (9am-12pm)
Football--July 15-19 (9am-12pm)
Boys Lacrosse--July 29-August 2 (9am-12pm)
Softball--August 5-9 (9am-12pm)
Girls Basketball--August 5-9 (8am-11am)
Volleyball--August 5-9 (12pm-3pm)
Boys Basketball--August 5-9 (4pm-7pm)
Each session is $150 per camper and includes service fee.
* Band Camp is cost is reduced to $125 per camper, because the camp is only 4 days.
**Tennis, Baseball, Girls Soccer camps extend into Saturday, because of the holiday.
Sign up at:
Parents of Students Entering Guilford Park - Fall 2024 - GPHS Boosters Is Looking For You! Next Meeting: 6/3 - 7PM
GPHS Boosters, a parent led organization with the sole purpose of raising money and supporting GPHS extra-curricular activities, is looking to welcome parents rising to GPHS, along with their students. Our next meeting (monthly on the 1st Monday of the month, will be 6/3 @ 7pm in the GPHS Cafeteria. We will be electing our open Executive Board positions for next year. We are looking to fill Vice President, Secretary, Treasure and 3 At-Large Members for the Executive Board. If you are interested and have not yet communicated your interest, please complete the form linked below. If you just want to see what we are about, come join us on Monday 6/3!
PVMS Updates (recurring from previous newsletters)
Guilford Park HS - Athletic Update - 5.19.24
Volleyball Camp Added! GPHS Boosters is excited to announce the addition of a Volleyball Boosters Camp for Rising 4th-9th Graders on 8/5-8/9 from 9-12pm in the GPHS Gymnasium. Registration is NOW open - go to to register and for a full list of camps!
Girls Soccer Summer 7v7 Opportunity for Rising 9th Graders - GPHS will play in a summer 7v7 soccer leagues with games over the summer. If your are a Rising 9th grader, you are eligible to participate with the team. Please reach out to Coach for more information.
Boys Soccer Summer 7v7 Opportunity for Rising 9th Graders - GPHS will play in a summer 7v7 soccer league with games over the summer. If your are a Rising 9th grader, you are eligible to participate with the team. Please reach out to Coach for more information.
Fall Academic Eligibility for Sports:
Athletes returning to high school must earn a MINIMUM of a 2.0 weighted GPA for 4th quarter of THE CURRENT school year to be academically eligible to participate in fall sports.
Rising 9th Graders are ALL academically eligible for to participate in fall sports. HOWEVER, this is a one time exemption from the policy.
REMINDER: Rising 9th Grade Fall Sports Information Night - 6/4/24 @ 6:30PM - Cafeteria
- A brief presentation will be given by the Athletic Director followed by break-out sessions led by coaches for fall athletes and their parents.
Need More Information About GPHS Athletics? Go to
Wellness Workshop and Supports Summer Series: In partnership with Backpack Healthcare and Congruent Counseling/Integrative Counseling, HCPSS presents a spring/summer series of "Wellness Workshops and Support for Parents". All HCPSS parents are invited to attend any or all of these free, virtual evening workshops. Sessions are from 6-7 p.m. on a variety of dates. Wellness Workshops and Supports for Parents Flier
To continue meeting the growing need to feed hungry children and families in Howard County and fill the nutritional gap over the summer months, HCPSS once again will provide free summer meals Monday-Friday, June 24-Aug. 2, at locations throughout the county. Meals will be served only on days schools are open and there will be no meal service on Thursday, July 4. Complete details on the HCPSS 2024 Summer Meals Program are available online.
HCPSS used three inclement weather days this school year, and as such, the last day of school for students in full-day Pre-K through grade 11 is now scheduled to be Friday, June 14, with June 12-14 being three-hour early dismissals. The last day for half-day Pre-K/RECC students is currently Tuesday, June 11.
Recognizing and Reporting Bullying
As we approach the second half of the school year, we wanted to remind you that HCPSS is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment that focuses on student well-being. We are taking this time to uplift the importance of reporting any type of bullying that has occurred. We will be reviewing this with our students and staff as we start the second half of the school year, and we hope that you, too, can uplift this at home.
For children facing the emotional toll of bullying, a supportive individual can make all the difference. Please encourage your children to reach out to a trusted staff member at school should they need to report anything. As parents and guardians, you will use the same reporting form as students by following the steps outlined below.
How do I report bullying?
Thank you for your partnership and attention to this important topic.
This is a friendly reminder to our community that per HCPSS Policy 8080, middle school students “will not use personal technology devices during non-instructional time, to include but not limited to transition between classes, lunch, recess, or in bathrooms.” Please remind your students that their cell phones should be off and away during the school day. Students are always welcome to use an office phone to reach out to a parent during the school day. If you need to contact your child at school, please call 410-880-5840.
Please review for comprehensive attendance procedures.Read more
HCPSS utilizes Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. All parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child each school year. Parents/guardians can access their student's Family File by logging into HCPSS Connect, selecting the “More Options” tab on the left and then selecting “Family File” in the center column.
Please be sure to read each section carefully and answer all of the questions. You can contact us here at school if you have any questions or concerns.
Please be aware of the following procedures for any visitor to a school/office:
The front door is the only entrance point for all visitors.
Please ring the bell and look into the camera.
Be prepared to state your name and purpose for visiting.
All visitors must walk directly into the front office with a valid photo I.D. and sign in using our LobbyGuard system.
A visitor’s sticker will be given to visitors following the above procedures and must be worn and prominently visible.
Any visitor in the school without a visitor sticker will be escorted directly to the front office by a staff member.
HCPSS no longer will use Nutrislice for school menus or MySchoolBucks for meal payments. LINQ Connect is a secure, online portal that allows families to view breakfast and lunch menus, make online meal payments, monitor their child’s account, schedule automatic recurring payments, set up low balance alerts, submit a Free and Reduced Meals program application, and more. Details and information. are available online.
The Patuxent Valley Middle School-Based Wellness Center is a partnership between Howard County Health Department and Howard County Public School System. School Wellness Centers do not replace students' regular health care providers in the community. By providing some health care at school we can help parents stay at work and help students stay at school or more quickly return to school. There is no co-pay or fee for visits at the Wellness Center. Read more
Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.