Dear Patuxent Valley Families and Community,
What an amazing school year! I am so thankful for our community, the welcome I have received here and the truly great things that I have seen our young people achieve.
Last week was about saying goodbye and celebrating those who are leaving in the Patuxent Valley way. This week in the office has been about reflecting and beginning our thoughts about next year!
Thank you to each and every 8th grade family for sharing your young people with us and I cannot think of a better way to showcase that than the promotion ceremony on June 11. My heart was full seeing the passion our community has for our young people and the potential in the room. Please stay in touch - you are still part of our community.
We are also saying goodbye to a number of staff members who have served our young people with dedication and care. I will keep our community updated over the summer with any staff leaving and arriving but wanted to acknowledge here Ms. Dhar, Ms. Pellegrino, Mr. Hommel, Ms. Azurmendi, and Mr. Curran who are all moving on to different schools or opportunities. Thank you for all you have done during your time at Patuxent Valley.
There are two long standing staff members who are retiring who have been at Patuxent Valley for a long time and served many families and students with true dedication. We celebrated them last week and at their retirement parties, but they deserve a public acknowledgement:
Gwen Taylor has been a staff member at Patuxent Valley for 28 years and an educator in HCPSS for 25 years. She finishes as our 8th grade counselor and is known for her support of students and the way she challenges us all to be better. Darzell Mason has been a staff member at Patuxent for 35 years and is our last original staff member. Her dedication to mentoring students is an example to all and I know that she has changed many lives. Thank you to both of you for your commitment to our students and community. You will be truly missed.Last summer the Patuxent Valley admin team held three Meet and Greet sessions during the summer to connect with families and our community and to listen and learn from each other. They were amazing and over 150 people joined us over the events.
This summer we are hosting three smaller gatherings for up to 15 people each to connect with each other and to share about what we value in our community, what we need, and what we can offer each other.
These meetings will be held in a Peace Circle, which is an indigenous practice that brings together individuals who wish to engage in healing, support, decision-making or other activities in which honest communication, relationship development, and community building are core desired outcomes. Derived from indigenous and native traditions, circles intentionally create a sacred space that lifts barriers between people; opening fresh possibilities for connection, collaboration, and mutual understanding.
Please use this form to sign up by the Friday before. We'll email you a confirmation. Dinner will be provided as a part of the circle (Cheese and Pepperoni Pizza and Salad).
July 10 - 6pm to 8pm
July 24 - 6pm to 8pm
July 31 - 6pm to 8pm
Contact Richard Smart ( with questions - we'd love to see you there!
Summer is an important time to recharge and reconnect, and to follow your passions. We’d love to hear what you are doing, and we look forward to seeing students, and families at summer school or our meet and greet sessions. There is nothing too big or too small for us to work on together, so don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us.
Our summer office hours are 9am to 2pm and we’ll be open every weekday except for July 4. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything. We are here to help.
There is nothing too big or too small for us to work on together, so don’t hesitate to reach out.
Richard Smart, Principal (
7/10 - Community Circle, 6pm to 8pm @PVMS
7/24 - Community Circle, 6pm to 8pm @PVMS
7/31 - Community Circle, 6pm to 8pm @PVMS
8/22 - New Student Orientation
9/2 Labor Day, Schools and offices closed
9/5 - Back to School Night
Resourceful Summer Links
Click here for the 24-25 PVMS School Supply Menu, now updated to include a School Planner to help all of our students with organization.
Quarter 4 Report Cards are available online.
Changes in Social Media and Gaming Access
Beginning July 1, HCPSS will block access to social media at all schools and most game websites at middle and high schools only on the HCPSS instructional (student) network and on student Chromebooks. Español | 中文 | 한국어
Message from the Health Room:
Immunizations for Upcoming 7th Graders
Current 6th grade parents- Please email your students updated immunizations records to the Health Room if you have been contacted by the health room about your student missing required 7th grade immunizations.
Howard County School-Based Wellness Centers are offering free health visits this summer for children without health insurance.
Families with medical coverage should visit their primary healthcare provider. You must make an appointment; no walk-ins.
Email or Call 410-313-6362 to schedule a summer appointment if needed.
Guilford Park Fall Sports Information
Fall sports are set to start on 8/14/24
All required forms must be submitted BEFORE a student-athlete can tryout for fall sports
Need Forms -
Directions to submit all required forms -
Having Issues Uploading Forms or Questions - Email the Athletic Director -
2. Reach out to your coach to find out about workouts going on over the summer
3. A list of all coaches and MORE can be found here -
Hammond Booster Camps
Hammond Boosters is offering one week camps for incoming 5th-9th graders for multiple activities: Note: All camps will be held at Hammond High school this year.
Band -- June 17-21, no camp on the 19th (9am-12pm) *
Tennis--June 17-22, no camp on the 19th (9am-12pm) **
Baseball--June 17-22, no camp on the 19th (9am-12pm) **
Girls Soccer--June 17-22, no camp on the 19th (9am-12pm) **
Track (week 1)--June 24-28 (8am-11am)
Track (week 2)--July 15-19(8am-11am)
Boys Soccer--June 24-28 (9am-12pm)
Field Hockey--June 24-28 (1:30pm-4:30pm)
Wrestling--July 8-12 (9am-12pm)
Cheer--July 8-12 (9am-12pm)
Football--July 15-19 (9am-12pm)
Boys Lacrosse--July 29-August 2 (9am-12pm)
Softball--August 5-9 (9am-12pm)
Girls Basketball--August 5-9 (8am-11am)
Volleyball--August 5-9 (12pm-3pm)
Boys Basketball--August 5-9 (4pm-7pm)
Each session is $150 per camper and includes service fee.
* Band Camp is cost is reduced to $125 per camper, because the camp is only 4 days.
**Tennis, Baseball, Girls Soccer camps extend into Saturday, because of the holiday.
Sign up at:
PVMS Updates (recurring from previous newsletters)
2024 Free Summer Meals Program
To continue meeting the growing need to feed hungry children and families in Howard County and fill the nutritional gap over the summer months, HCPSS once again will provide free summer meals Monday-Friday, June 24-Aug. 2, at locations throughout the county. Meals will be served only on days schools are open and there will be no meal service on Thursday, July 4. Complete details on the HCPSS 2024 Summer Meals Program are available online.
Please be aware of the following procedures for any visitor to a school/office:
The front door is the only entrance point for all visitors.
Please ring the bell and look into the camera.
Be prepared to state your name and purpose for visiting.
All visitors must walk directly into the front office with a valid photo I.D. and sign in using our LobbyGuard system.
A visitor’s sticker will be given to visitors following the above procedures and must be worn and prominently visible.
Any visitor in the school without a visitor sticker will be escorted directly to the front office by a staff member.
HCPSS no longer will use Nutrislice for school menus or MySchoolBucks for meal payments. LINQ Connect is a secure, online portal that allows families to view breakfast and lunch menus, make online meal payments, monitor their child’s account, schedule automatic recurring payments, set up low balance alerts, submit a Free and Reduced Meals program application, and more. Details and information. are available online.
The Patuxent Valley Middle School-Based Wellness Center is a partnership between Howard County Health Department and Howard County Public School System. School Wellness Centers do not replace students' regular health care providers in the community. By providing some health care at school we can help parents stay at work and help students stay at school or more quickly return to school. There is no co-pay or fee for visits at the Wellness Center. Read more
Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.