PTSA Newsletter 9/11/2024

Welcome back to school PVMS families! 

Your PTSA have been working hard and is excited for all the amazing things we have planned for this school year! Please see all the important dates and information below for more information on our upcoming events.     —————————————————————————————————   Joe Corbi Fundraiser - 9/9 - 9/30  We are currently running a Joe Corbi’s Fundraiser to help raise funds for our amazing events this year! Please see the attached letter for all important information and dates.  Packets will be distributed this week, so please make sure you look for it and check it out.  Ready to get your child started? CLICK HERE TO REGISTER  our organization code #8252 If you just want to buy without registering you may use participant code # 706416 at  View Brochure Here We appreciate your support of this fundraiser, as it provides much needed funds. Check out these great INCENTIVES your child can win when you register and support them!   PVMS PTSA Meeting 9/12 at 7:00pm  Join us for the first PTSA meeting of the year at 7:00pm in the PVMS media center. Come find out what we have planned for the year and how you can get involved in making this year amazing for your student, faculty and our PVMS community! Can’t join us in person? Use the link below to join us virtually!  Join Virtually HERE ( Meeting ID: 864 1513 5464. Passcode: 247121   PVMS Staff Appreciation Coffee Cart - 9/26 We will be rolling out the coffee cart on Thursday, September 26th. Help us show our amazing PVMS staff some appreciation by signing up to donate coffee cart items by clicking the link below!  Coffee Cart Sign Up!    PVMS Culture Night Sponsored by PTSA - 10/17 at 6:00pm - 8:00pm Our community is made up of so many cultures and we want to take an evening to celebrate all the cultures that make our community so wonderful! If you are interested in volunteering to organize, help setup/clean up this wonderful event please review the slots below for signing up. If you are interested in presenting an act to represent your culture or having a table at the event to showcase your culture by sharing food, or anything else that represents your culture we would love to have you! Please look at the slots below to sign up and someone will reach out to you closer to the event to see how we can assist you further.  Culture Night Sign Up!