From the Desk of the Principal, February 14, 2025

Dear Patuxent Valley Families and Community,

This week we celebrated (on the school news and in home room) our February Students of the Month!

Each of these young people demonstrated our #BulldogStrong values through their hard work, caring and excellence.  Please take time to congratulate them if and when you see them!

6th grade: Belle P., Faith D., Gabe M., Josh M., Brandon R., Kincade E., Rosie K., Skylar H., Jack W., Pearl S.

7th grade: Dayron S.B., Michelle O., Isaac A., Naida M., Alanna T., Jazzy M., Tea L., Daniel N., Axel C.V., Bryan P.M.

8th Grade: Bram S., Phoebe D., Anella C., Masnoon R., Everley S., Sabastian F., Hadia A., Kayla C.O., Khia H., Ikmah A.

I also want to highlight to our community an important policy change that will be taking effect on March 3, 2025 regarding student use of personal electronic devices.

On January 30, 2025, the Board of Education approved adjustments to Policy 8080 - Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media that changes the ability for students to use personal devices during the school day. The Board approved the following changes related to the use of personal devices by students at school:

  • No students, PreKindergarten-12, will be permitted to use cell phones and other personal technology devices during the student day (first bell to last bell of the day or posted school hours) except for reasons detailed in a student’s IEP, 504, or health plan. Under the prior version of the policy, elementary and middle school students were not permitted to use personal devices during the school day at any time. For high school students, this policy removes access to personal device in between classes and at lunch. For all grade levels, the addition of consequences for violating the policy is new.
  • When a personal device is used in violation of the new policy, the device will be confiscated for the remainder of the student day. Following the first violation, the student may retrieve the device at the end of the student day. For all subsequent violations, a parent/guardian must retrieve the device from the school.
  • A device that is confiscated during the final period of the student day will be confiscated for the entire next student day. The student may retrieve the device at the end of the day it was originally confiscated to take home but must provide it to the front office upon arrival on the next student day.
  • Students may be in possession of personal devices, but they must be “away and silenced,” meaning devices are not able to be seen by either the student or staff member and are set to make no noise. Additionally, devices may not be a distraction.
  • Smart watches will be permitted to be worn to check time but may not be a distraction.
  • Personal laptops may be used for instructional activities in high school when permitted by the teacher.
  • A staff member on a school-sponsored field trip may permit the use of a personal technology device by a student in limited situations where capturing a picture or video may be appropriate or contacting a parent/guardian is necessary.
  • School administrators and school administrators’ designees may authorize use of a personal device in rare instances such as an emergency for communication purposes.

These new expectations will take effect on Monday, March 3, 2025. The complete changes and expectations may be found online. Please take time to review these new expectations with your student to ensure they do not violate the new policy.

Our school will adhere strictly to the policy with hopes that the elimination of the distractions that personal devices cause use will result in healthier and more productive learning and social environments during the school day. More information will be shared before the implementation date.

Thank you for your collaboration in the successful implementation of these changes.

Check out the information below for items we’ve been sending out this week, and a number of new items. Let us know if you have any questions or if there is something you’d like to see in the newsletter.  All of this information is also posted on our website at

There is nothing too big or too small for us to work on together, so don’t hesitate to reach out.


Richard Smart, Principal (


2/20: Honor Roll Celebration for G6, G7, G8

2/26: Rhythm and Flow: The Ties that Bind Us, 6pm in the Cafe, Snow Date (TBD)

2/22: PTSA Fundraiser by Twisted Sister Artistry

3/13: PTSA Culture Night

3/28: PVMS Dance Concert

PVMS Updates (Priority and New this week)

Black History Month at PVMS

  • Rhythm & Flow: The Ties that Bind Us
    • When: February 26, 2025 (Snow Date TBD)
    • Where: PVMS Cafeteria
    • Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm
  • BSAP Starbooks BH 365 Cafe
    • February 18th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 26th, 27th
    • Google sign-ups coming soon - Be on the lookout for the announcement
    • When: 6th, 7th, 8th grade lunch
    • Where: PVMS Media Center

PTSA - Culture Fest, March 13

The PTSA and NJHS are collaborating this year to create a Culture Night to celebrate all the wonderful cultures in our community and we need your help to make this event truly memorable for all! 

If you are interested in being apart of this amazing night please take a moment to fill out the attached Google form survey by March 1st.

If you have any questions please feel free to email

New Options for Reporting Hate Biases Now Available: HCPSS is committed to providing safe and inclusive learning environments for all students. When harmful incidents occur in schools, it is important that those incidents are appropriately investigated and responded to. On February 11, the HCPSS Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment and Intimidation formLinks to an external site. was updated online and new paper copies of the form have been distributed to your school. This new form now allows students, staff and families to report hate bias incidents as a type of harassment.

Update to Student Access to Spotify, Effective Feb. 14, 2025: Effective Feb. 14, HCPSS will block access to the Spotify music platformLinks to an external site. on the HCPSS instructional (student) network and on student Chromebooks. The change stems from parent concerns about students’ access to songs with explicit content. HCPSS staff determined the service is not integral to instruction, and that alternative means of providing students access to music are available, if needed.

Reminder: Student Email Addresses: All students grades 6-12 can use their “” email account to send and receive email within and outside of HCPSS. For more information, and instructions on how to access these email accounts on HCPSS-issued technology devices, visit the student email page on Canvas.

PVMS Updates (recurring from previous newsletters)

Gifted and Talented (G/T) Summer Institutes for Talent Development

​​The Gifted and Talented (G/T) Summer Institutes for Talent Development offers additional advanced-level instruction and enrichment experiences not regularly available during the academic school year for students entering grades 1-8. Rigorous instruction focusing on talent development is offered in mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, technology and fine arts.

No testing nor prior G/T coursework is required for enrollment in these enrichment offerings.

Location: Burleigh Manor Middle School

Session 1: June 30 - July 11 (no class July 4)

Session 2: July 14-25

Hours: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Cost: $330 per session (Financial assistance is available for students participating in the Free and Reduced Meal Program.)

Students may attend Session 1, Session 2, or both sessions. While the program is half-day, after care is available on site via Howard County Recreation and Parks. Snack is provided.

A few highlights ---

  • Bus transportation to area collector stops!
  • Exciting courses in Humanities, STEM, and the Arts!

Registration is now open for families of HCPSS students through HCPSS Connect. The first registration request window will close on February 18 at 12 p.m.

For more information on how to register, please see this registration guide.

Contact: or 410-313-6671.


Join us on February 22, 2025 in the PVMS Cafeteria. This event will be run by Twisted Sister Artistry ( and hosted by the PVMS PTSA. We will be making pressed flowers in a frame. Please be sure and choose pattern you would like to make when ordering your tickets.

Please invite your friends and share!!! Registration is open at:

This is a *fundraiser* that is open to anyone in the community -- please share and invite your friends!! Everyone is welcome! Make sure to grab a ticket for your special Valentine! Our PTSA will earn $10 per participant to help fund PTSA activities and events! There will also be concessions for purchase for $1. CASH ONLY!

PLEASE NOTE, that if you wish to participate with someone other than a PVMS student, you will need to buy individual tickets for each person that will be in attendance. Unfortunately, we cannot offer discounted tickets for anyone that is not a PVMS student.

Our Voice Creative Works Magazine Announcement

Does your child love to write poetry or short stories? Do they enjoy photography? Here is their chance to be published in the annual Howard County Middle School Creative Works Magazine, Our Voice. Students can submit an original photograph and/or a short story, poem, review, essay, journalistic writing, photography or other creative composition for their chance to be published. All submissions are due January 31st.  To submit original student creative writing or photography, students can complete the google form here:

Please message Mrs. Chelidona, the G/T Teacher with any questions.

From HC-Drug Free

Free Life Skills Classes for HoCo Middle/High School Students

  • Classes will be taught by HoCo college students with high school student assistants and adult supervision. Botvin’s Evidence Based Curriculum promotes positive health and personal development for students in grades 6 to 9. (Slightly younger students will be considered especially if joining an older sibling, and students older than 9th grade may be invited to join our high school team to earn Community Service Hours while learning.) If parents/guardians have questions about the appropriateness for students, register the students and HC DrugFree’s team will contact you.  Siblings and friends are encouraged to take these classes together.
  • Class dates:  February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 31, April 7, 28, and May 5  from 5:00-6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Visit HC DrugFree’s website for more information and register students at
  • HoCo High School Student Leadership Opportunity to Earn Community Service Hours: Join HC DrugFree’s instructional team to assist college students teaching online Life Skills classes – all while serving as a role model and mentor to younger HoCo students. This leadership experience looks good on resumes and college applications. For more information and to register to volunteer, go to

Free Parenting/Grandparenting Classes

  • Free! On Zoom and open to parents, guardians and grandparents residing in HoCo or with school-age children/grandchildren residing in HoCo. This evidence-based, interactive prevention program provides families with the skills and knowledge to reduce the risk that their children will use drugs including alcohol or engage in other dangerous behaviors. The curriculum was written for families with children 9-14 years olds, but we believe it is appropriate for K-12 families. Class dates: March 18, 21, 25, 28 and April 1 from Noon to 1:30 p.m. on Zoom. Visit HC DrugFree’s website for more information and register at

HCPSS Emergency Closing Information (For Delays, Dismissals and Closings due to weather and other emergencies:

PVMS Attendance Procedures 24-25

If your student is absent or will be absent, please contact us at the following email address to explain the  In the email please Include the following information:

  • Student First and Last Name
  • Grade
  • Reason for absence (e.g., illness, bereavement, observance of a religious holiday, lack of transportation)

Late Arrivals Procedures

If your child is late to school, please either send in a note/email to explaining the reason for the lateness if you are unable to sign your child into school.

Early Dismissals

Please email on the day of your student's early dismissal,, and indicate the time they will be picked up and by whom. Please bring your ID to show the main office.

With the collaborative effort of HCPSS parents, staff and students, we are confident that all students can have successful attendance. This will improve student success in school and in future life!

We are excited to return to the school buildings and have been working hard to prepare for a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal from Bollman Bridge and Patuxent Valley. The administrations at both Bollman Bridge and Patuxent Valley Middle Schools have been collaborating this summer on a joint traffic pattern and arrival and dismissal plan. Read more

Parents/guardians can monitor their child’s HCPSS Chromebook internet usage by signing up for Lightspeed Parent Notifications to receive a weekly email summary of their child’s usage.

Once parents have signed up for Lightspeed Parent Notifications, the email summary delivered each Sunday will contain a link with access to the Lightspeed Parent Portal, which provides near real-time information on their child’s internet activity.

The Lightspeed Parent Portal offers additional details about internet usage and the ability to control a child’s online activities when they are not on the HCPSS network at school by allowing parents to pause the internet for 1 hour, 3 hours or until 6 a.m. the next morning. Frequently asked questions about Lightspeed and the Parent Portal can be found online.

HCPSS teachers will access Lightspeed in the classroom to monitor student Chromebook usage.  Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher if they notice their child is regularly on non-academic websites during the day.
Find instructions on signing up for Lightspeed Parent Notifications online.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to review HCPSS Student Mobile Technology Duties and Obligations, which outlines the responsible use of technology in accordance with HCPSS Board Policy 8080 Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media.


Please be aware of the following procedures for any visitor to a school/office:

  • The front door is the only entrance point for all visitors.
  • Please ring the bell and look into the camera.
  • Be prepared to state your name and purpose for visiting.
  • All visitors must walk directly into the front office with a valid photo I.D. and sign in using our LobbyGuard system.
  • A visitor’s sticker will be given to visitors following the above procedures and must be worn and prominently visible.
  • Any visitor in the school without a visitor sticker will be escorted directly to the front office by a staff member.


HCPSS no longer will use Nutrislice for school menus or MySchoolBucks for meal payments. LINQ Connect is a secure, online portal that allows families to view breakfast and lunch menus, make online meal payments, monitor their child’s account, schedule automatic recurring payments, set up low balance alerts, submit a Free and Reduced Meals program application, and more. Details and information. are available online.


The Patuxent Valley Middle School-Based Wellness Center is a partnership between Howard County Health Department and Howard County Public School System. School Wellness Centers do not replace students' regular health care providers in the community. By providing some health care at school we can help parents stay at work and help students stay at school or more quickly return to school. There is no co-pay or fee for visits at the Wellness Center. Read more

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.