PVMS Message Concerning Student Walk Out

PVMS Families,

We want to share that students are planning to participate in the national walkout on Wednesday, March 14th, at 10:00 in response to the tragedy in Parkland, Florida at Stoneman Douglas High School a few weeks ago.  The students are planning to report to the black top at the rear of the school, and they will peacefully and safely assemble for approximately 20 minutes.  The students will return to class after the event, and regular instruction will continue for the remainder of the day.  Students have the option to participate or not participate in Wednesday’s planned walkout, and they will be supported in their choice.

PVMS Administrative Team and staff members have communicated expectations to students prior to the event, and staff members and security personnel will be supervising students throughout the event.  

We want to assure our community that the Howard County Public School System holds the well-being of students and staff as our highest priority. We continue to take proactive approaches to ensuring that each school is as safe and secure as it can be.

We encourage students who may be troubled by the events in Florida, or need an outlet for any concern they carry, to speak to an adult in our building. Our Student Services team is prepared to assist any students in need. 

Please contact me or my administrative staff with any questions at 410.880.5840 or rick_robb@hcpss.org at any time.

Rick Robb

PVMS, Principal