Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

What is PBIS at PVMS?


PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. The philosophy behind PBIS is that expectations for student behavior be addressed proactively rather than reactively. PBIS teams focus on creating common school expectations, fostering a positive school environment, and recognizing students who contribute to maintaining that positive environment. At Patuxent Valley Middle School, our expectations are that students BARK  (Be prepared, Act responsibly, Respect others, and Keep safe). Students who meet these expectations are recognized using BARK bucks, a school-wide currency that can be spent on a variety of activities including the school store, the fall festival and spring fling, and an end-of-year silent auction.

“You just can’t hide our Bulldog PRIDE! We show our PRIDE through our B.A.R.K.!"

  • Be Prepared
  • Act Responsibly
  • Respect Others
  • Keep Safe

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