Talk with your young person today about how they are getting to school on the first day. Consider a trial run and check out the resources below. Contact us with any questions - we are here to help.
HCPSS Important Transportation Reminders and Updates
We are excited to return to the school buildings and have been working hard to prepare for a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal from Bollman Bridge and Patuxent Valley. The administrations at both Bollman Bridge and Patuxent Valley Middle Schools have been collaborating this summer on a joint traffic pattern and arrival and dismissal plan.
Please review the map below carefully as you review with your child and those taking them too and from school and read the key points below.
Both the PVMS and BBES parking lots are available to families from both schools for drop off and pick up.
The Bus loop is for School Buses and Staff Parking only.
Please only drop off and pick up in the designated areas and follow all traffic laws, signs and school personnel’s instructions.
Staff will be posted at arrival and dismissal to support walkers, car riders and bus riders.
PVMS’ School Day begins at 8am and school is open to students from 7:40am. School finishes at 2:35pm
BBES’ School Day begins at 8:45am and school doors will open for students at 8:35. School dismisses at 3:15pm.
Please contact the office at either school with questions - we are here to support you.
BBES PVMS Arrival and Dismissal Map